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Jun Kuramoto

Japanese Gospel singer, born in Hyogo-pref. Japan.

In 2012, began his career as a gospel singer in Harlem, NY.

He joined the choir “The Inspirational of Ensemble” at Convent Avenue Baptist Church, where he studied vocals with Professor Gregory Hopkins, Music Director of the choir.

Gained experience in winning Gospel contests and invitational praise at churches and block parties.

Through these activities and weekly Service, he was fascinated by the power of the Afro-American "Gospel".

Since returning to Japan in 2015, he has participated in various events and concerts as a director and solo singer, as well as spreading the appeal of Gospel through his series of events called "Connection".

He has also served as the opening act and chorus for Grammy Award-winning artists such as Claude McKnight (TAKE6) and Michael Bethany.

Through Gospel, he shares the meaning of "loving and being loved".
Since May 2021, he has served as the Music Director of Akasaka Church of the Japan Christian Church,as well as the vocalist of the church's gospel praise unit "Calling" and the director of the church's gospel choir "Vessel Gospel Choir. He also serves as the director of the church's Gospel Choir, "VESSEL Gospel Choir".

蔵本 順

​Convent Avenue Baptist ChurchのGospel Choir、The Inspirational of Ensembleに加入し、同クワイヤの音楽監督Gregory Hopkins教授にVocalを師事。

Claude McKnight(TAKE6)、Michael Bethanyらグラミー賞受賞アーティストの

2021年5月より日本基督教団赤坂教会のMusic Directorを勤め、同教会のGospel賛美ユニット
CALLING”のVocal、同教会所属Gospel Choir “VESSEL Gospel Choir”のDirectorを勤める。

​Photo by Kazuya Yamashita
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